Essential Linux Commands for DevOps

Md. Ashraf Bhuiya
2 min readJan 23, 2024


In the dynamic world of DevOps, where efficiency and seamless operations are paramount, mastering Linux commands is a fundamental skill for engineers. This blog post serves as a comprehensive guide, shedding light on essential Linux commands that form the backbone of a DevOps engineer’s day-to-day operations. Whether you’re a seasoned professional looking to refine your skills or a newcomer embarking on your DevOps journey, these commands are your toolkit for navigating and managing Linux systems effectively.

  1. Date and Time Commands:
  • date: Instantly retrieve the current date and time.
  • cal: Quickly reference the calendar for the present month or any specified year.

2. Terminal Management:

  • history: Effortlessly review and traverse command history.
  • clear: Cleanse the terminal window for a fresh start.
  • pwd: Pinpoint the present working directory.
  • ls and lsblk: Illuminate directory contents and explore partition information effortlessly.

3. Navigation Essentials:

  • cd: Swiftly navigate through directories.
  • cd ..: Ascend to the parent directory.
  • cd -: Seamlessly return to the previous directory.

4. File and Directory Operations:

  • echo: Communicate messages to the terminal or redirect them to a file.
  • cat: Display or concatenate file data with ease.
  • touch: Create an empty file instantly.
  • cp and mv: Copy or move files and directories with precision.
  • mkdir and rmdir: Establish new directories and elegantly remove empty ones.
  • rm: Delete files and directories with finesse.

5. File Exploration and Insight:

  • head and tail: Gain insights into the beginning and end of text files.
  • grep: Unleash the power of pattern searching in files.
  • sort, less, and more: Arrange, view, and navigate lengthy file data seamlessly.

6. System Intelligence:

  • lscpu and lshw: Probe into CPU and system hardware details.
  • df: Assess file system information and available disk space with precision.

7. Process Management Proficiency:

  • top and kill: Skillfully manage running processes and terminate them when necessary.
  1. Productivity Boosters:
  • alias: Craft shortcuts to streamline command execution.
  • man and whereis: Access command manuals and locate command binaries efficiently.
  • | (pipe): Connect multiple commands to enhance functionality and workflow.



Md. Ashraf Bhuiya
Md. Ashraf Bhuiya

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